EO Coimbatore
With 198 chapter locations in 61 countries, EO supports leading entrepreneurs in all corners of the world. Chapters provide EO members with a local resource to learn and grow, including access to executive-education events, networking opportunities and mentorship programs. EO chapters also help strengthen the global business landscape by partnering with local businesses and encouraging job growth.
In India there are 28 chapters consisting of more than 2034 members. These members represent the top 1% and through EO they get a platform to network, expand their reach, learn and connect with one another.
EO Coimbatore was founded in 2010 and today, we have 83 members in our chapter whose median age is 37, a combined turnover of over $4.5 Billion and over 50,000 employees. Members come
from various sectors like Textiles, Manufacturing, Retail, Apparel, Jewellery, IT, Real Estate, Property Development, Health care, Education and so on. Every year, we organise more than 40 events
for our members. Our most recognised event is our annual entrepreneurship awards ceremony, EOTY. It showcases and recognises path breaking entrepreneurs in our region. We are fortunate to be one of the most awarded, recognised and active EO chapters in India.